The Italian American Thanksgiving: Beyond Turkey and Pumpkin Pie

Thanksgiving feasts across America often include classic dishes like oven roasted turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin…

Thanksgiving feasts across America often include classic dishes like oven roasted turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.  But these are just the basics and can vary by region and by family.  Many different American sub-cultures and ethnicities put their own spin on the Thanksgiving menu and Italian Americans are no different.

While Italian Americans cherish the traditional aspects of this holiday, we also bring our rich culinary heritage to the table (literally and figuratively), resulting in a delightful fusion of flavors and traditions.

Here are 4 foods you may find at an Italian American Thanksgiving celebration that you wouldn’t normally find at a traditional


Before the formal meal even begins, many families may serve snacks like crackers, chips, raw veggies, and maybe some dips and cheeses.  Italian American Thanksgiving meals might have these too, but will often kick off with an antipasto platter. This
Italian-style appetizer typically features an array of cured meats like prosciutto and salami, cheeses like provolone and fresh mozzarella, black and green olives, marinated vegetables or sometimes even seafood like fried calamari. It’s a perfect way to stimulate the palate before the main meal.

Turkey or Stuffing with an Italian Twist

While turkey is a must-have for Thanksgiving, Italian Americans may give it an Italian twist. Meaning they might prepare a succulent turkey with herbs and spices commonly used in Italian cuisine, such as basil, oregano, garlic, rosemary or parsley.  The same rule of thumb applies to stuffing. Have you ever had stuffing made with Italian sausage? It’s to die for.

Lasagna or Other Pastas

Step aside, turkey, the pasta is going to take center stage for this meal!  That’s a guarantee.  Specifically, lasagna in most cases. Pasta holds a special place in Italian American hearts, and it’s not uncommon to find dishes like lasagna, baked ziti, ricotta stuffed shells, or manicotti on the Thanksgiving table. Not to mention some meatballs in red sauce to accompany
them.  These hearty pasta dishes offer a comforting and savory addition to the traditional Thanksgiving spread.

Desserts: The Italian Influence

There will likely be pumpkin pie or apple pie, but the dessert options definitely don’t end there. At Thanksgiving, you might find Italian classics like cannoli, tiramisu, or panna cotta on the dessert table. And, of course, cookies!  Every kind of cookie- pizzelles, rainbow cookies, biscotti, sprinkle cookies, ricotta cookies, and everything in between.  These sweet treats add a delightful touch of Italy to the holiday. Dessert time is also when the switchover from wine to after dinner drinks happens. You’ll probably see some limoncello, Frangelico (mostly for the nonnas and nonnos), amaretto and scotch.

Speaking of wines for Thanksgiving, make sure to read our article on the Top Wines to pair with Thanksgiving Dinner.

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